Little Tikes® 3 Ft Trampoline Review
Kids are extremely active especially early in their early years. If there is one thing kids love to do with all of their energy is bounce. Going to kids play zones where they have some sort of trampoline is a godsend because kids love to do it and parents love the fact that it will tire them out for a good night’s sleep. Setting up a small 3 ft trampoline at home can get a similar effect of tiring your kid out when it’s time to settle down.
This is where the Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline comes into play. The Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline is a great little trampoline where your kids can jump to their hearts desire. I got one of these for my kids and I will review the good and the bad about the this trampoline.
Table of Contents
Parts and Construction

Out of the box, the Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline came in a number of pieces. Thankfully, the actual trampoline portion is already put together. No need to attach the springs to the main part of the trampoline so no worries there. What you do need is attach are the legs and the handle bar to the main part. Start with putting the orange feet on each of the legs. Next start putting together the handle bar. Two of the legs will go through a designated leg spot on the ends of the handle bar. This will attach the handle bar to the trampoline. Screw in the rest of the legs to finish off the setting up the 3 ft trampoline.

Every home is different so finding a spot where your kids can jump freely is going to be your unique task. I initially put it in a position in front of the TV so the kids could watch their favorite show wile jumping. The position is completely up to you. I suggest a spot where the kids can jump on it whenever they want without them having you pull it out of storage. This way it is easier for you and them.
Parts and Construction
How it Plays

For a 3 ft Trampoline, it does exactly what you want it to do – keep your kid bouncing as much as they want for as long as they want. The trampoline does just that. Remember, this is a 3 ft trampoline that only supports one kid at a time. It is a safety hazard two or more kids are jumping at the same time.
The trampoline is designed for one kid at a time
Initially, the Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline had my kids bouncing for pretty long periods of time. The trampoline is a great to keep your kid active when doing things like watching TV or a their favorite movie. This way they are getting exercise while they are watching their favorite show. For me hitting two birds with one stone is okay with me. This feature alone make s this a favorite among kids. When my oldest was 3, she loved the trampoline to the point where she even curled up and napped on top of it.

Over a couple of years of use is where the Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline start to crumble. You start noticing various things starting to come undone.
After some years of fun, features on the trampoline come undone
The first thing that starts to go is the padding cover on that covers the edges of the main part of the trampoline. After a about a year, this fabric just kind of start unraveling. Then it cannot fully fit around the edges of the trampoline even if you try pulling it around over and over again. Maybe some tape will help you if this happens.

Another issue that happens with the Little Tikes 3 ft Trampoline is the handle bar and legs get wobbly after many uses. The metal threading on the legs deteriorate after numerous uses. The legs holding up the handle bar were the first to go. The others really seem okay but the handle bar legs had a hard time screwing back in after a certain point of use. No mater what I did, I could not get the legs to screw back in to hold the handle bar up.
There is no way to fix this. It’s the actual trampoline threads that have deteriorated away. You have to buy a new one to replace this unit.

My youngest daughter still loves to jump on this is and is very disappointed about the trampoline coming apart. I told her I would get another. I won’t get this one again though. I’ll get the newer one with the red handle that folds down so it can put away easier. You can get that one here on Amazon.
How it Plays
Cleanup and Storage

Here’s where more problems come with this 3 ft trampoline. Storing this thing can be a bit of a problem. If you do not have a designated spot for this, this 3 ft trampoline will take up a lot of space in your living room or wherever you decided to put this.
As I mentioned before, the new version has a handle bar that you can fold down. From there you can put it one its side and put it away much better than you can with the original one. I’ll be trying that one out for sure. Just take note of this as you make your trampoline selection.
Cleanup and Storage
My kids love this trampoline. All the up to the part where it completely fell apart after years of use. Granted, they got their use out of it but for a Little Tikes product, I expected this to last much longer.
I did promise my little one to replace this so i will pick up the Easy Store 3 ft Trampoline which will help me store it when not in use. I’ll make a review on this one once I pick it up.
Little Tikes® 3 Foot Trampoline
The 3-foot trampoline is easy to move so kids can bounce where ever they like any time they like!
Overall Toy Rating