Little Tikes Sort ‘n Store™ Toy Chest
If you you are like me, you have probably accumulated a bunch of different toys over the course of your kids’ lifetime – even if that’s just a couple of years. Finding suitable storage for all the toys that seemed to fill up your house is a must. Finding a storage unit that will be durable enough to fit the different types of toys is also necessary.
Introducing the Little Tikes Sort ‘n Store™ Toy Chest. We got this toy chest because obviously, having kids means toy build up that needed to be addressed. This toy chest fits this need. It’s a decently large toy chest so if you are concerned if the pictures are misleading, don’t be. Let’s get into it.
Table of Contents
Parts and Construction

The Toy Chest comes in a big box so be ready for that. Once out of the box, you notice there is only 4 pieces to the whole setup – the main chest, the lid, and the two removable bins. All you have to do to set it up is find a suitable spot of the chest, put the easily removable lid on and slide the bins down under the chest and you are good to go.
Chest Comes Fully Assembled
That’s right. You read this correctly – No Assembly Required. It might be big, but it’s good to go. Too bad other toys this big didn’t have assembly.
Parts and Construction
How it Works

As you might notice, the Toy Chest is actually pretty big. You can probably fit 2 three year old kids inside of it. You can store just about anything. Any average toy you would keep in the house should work just fine.
Will last forever
The quality of plastic is top-notch as you would expect from Little Tikes. They are famous for their roto-molded plastic items lasting just about forever and this Toy Chest is no exception.

The storage units under the main chest also helps greatly with smaller toys like Legos or blocks or some kind of toy with smaller pieces that need to keep together. With the ability to slide them right under the chest, it helps to organize everything. This will reduce clutter and reducing clutter always helps a lot when you have kids.

I think the biggest problem with this Toy Chest will be with the style. This Toy Chest is colored in Primary Colors. It is designed for a kid’s playroom for sure. It is not a stylish toy chest for your living room or a toy chest to blend in with your furniture. Make sure you know where you are going to put this to blend in to a room where the kids are going to play. Other than that, you will have no problems with the toy chest.
How it Works
Cleanup and Storage
Since the Toy Chest is a storage unit, finding a place for it will be “storing” it away. You don’t really store the storage unit away. You use it to store things away. So putting this a away is not really a thing. If you don’t want to see this around the house with the giant red color, this chest isn’t for you. If you don’t mind, feel free to get one.
Cleanup and Storage
If you are in need of storage for your kids toys, this is the way to go. I have had this unit for many years now. It is still going strong. If you are looking to get rid of it after you are done with it, give it away. This toy chest will never go bad. I’m sure some family will get some use out of it.
There are a couple of different colored toy chests. This is the Primary Colored chest. There is also a white colored chest for more of that neutral effect. Check out the one you want on Amazon below.
Little Tikes Primary Colors Toy Chest
This toy box is built with our famous quality and durability – a toy chest you will use for years to come! The large storage area is perfect for bigger toys, and the small bins are great for blocks, cars, dolls and more!
Overall Toy Rating